Key Takeaways Fear of recurrence and death from a cardiac arrest in the future is normal and felt by many survivors. You may be hyper-focused on every change in your body. At the same time, it can be tough to know what symptoms are serious or not. CPR pain,...
Key Takeaways Trust your instincts. Be patient and honest with yourself. Be patient with other people; they may not always have the best reaction, timing, or insight into what you’re experiencing. Manage your expectations with a physical to-do list and conversations...
Key Takeaways Positive health behaviors that promote heart health include good sleep hygiene, exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding all substances. Taking your medications and attending all your medical appointments is the best way to reduce your risk of future...
Key Takeaways Know the signs of when to seek out a mental health professional. From the various treatments and therapies available, your therapist will help sort out what you need and create a personalized plan. If a therapist isn’t a good fit, you can try a...
Key Takeaways Many survivors, when ready, want and need to connect with peers to share information and experiences. There are both in-person and virtual support groups on social media and message boards. Many survivors eventually become advocates and moderators of...
Key Takeaways It can be helpful to keep a heart journal and a symptom diary. Be compliant with your medications. It can help to use a pill box to ensure medications are not missed. Meeting your rescuers and talking to other survivors may be helpful as you navigate...