Pronouncing Death in the Field: A Source of First Responder Burnout

Key Takeaways Delivering death notifications is a difficult but important part of the job for first responders.  With focused training, first responders can help to make this difficult time a little bit easier for the people involved, and it will help reduce their...

Understanding Prolonged Grief

Key Takeaways Prolonged grief is a condition where initial intense grief persists for a long time and takes a significant toll on a person’s life. Certain circumstances of the death, like being sudden and unexpected, increase the risk of developing prolonged grief. ...

Prolonged Grief Treatment

Key Takeaways Prolonged Grief Treatment (PGT) is a focused, widely tested talk therapy that can make a dramatic difference in the quality of life of someone with prolonged grief in just a few months. PGT focuses on helping people learn to live with loss while also...

Cumulative Trauma & Loss of Sense of Self: A Personal Narrative

Key Takeaways Grief and bereavement are influenced by previous trauma. Cumulative trauma and bereavement leave people prone to mental and physical illness, addiction, and prolonged grief. Providing support, understanding, and services to those grieving is critical....