Care in the Hospital

Key Takeaways Your loved one will have many care team members, procedures, treatments, and inpatient floors with different levels of care during their hospital stay after cardiac arrest.  The care team will individualize treatment and recovery plans for the patient....

The Intensive Care Unit

Key Takeaways Your time in the ICU may be overwhelming and raise questions, as there will be multiple machines, monitors, tubes, and catheters attached to your loved one. Your loved one may not require all of them, depending on how sick they are and their specific...

My Loved One is Waking Up & I Feel Unprepared

Key Takeaways The period of waking is full of uncertainty and confusion for the cardiac arrest survivor and their loved ones. When talking to your loved one as they wake up, speak to them slowly and gently, tell them who you are, where they are, and what is happening....

Navigating Transitions From the Event Through Hospital Care & Home

Key Takeaways Navigating the transitions is complex and resources are available to help you. It’s not fair to you to take this all on yourself. Always have a notebook and take notes. Understand the roles of care team members, and hospital resources, and how they can...

Care in the Hospital

Key Takeaways You will have many care team members, procedures, treatments, and inpatient floors with different levels of care during your hospital stay after cardiac arrest.  Your care team will individualize treatment and recovery plans for you. Daily care plans and...