You are in the profession of saving lives.
How do I navigate cardiac arrest as a first-responder?
Acting to save someone’s life can have a lasting impact on the rescuer. Even though it’s considered to be part of your duty and job, It’s normal and quite common for first responders like you to be affected physically and emotionally. The degree to which a critical event affects someone is individual and personal. Our resource is created to help you gain an understanding of common reactions and where they are rooted, validate that you are not alone, and inform you of effective coping strategies.
5 Things To Know
1. First responders need training in delivering death notifications to families to reduce their risk of burnout.
2. For professional responders, as well as for survivors and families, reunions when the time is right can be deeply rewarding.
3. Witnessing a loved one in sudden cardiac arrest can be an emotionally traumatic experience for family and first responders must prioritize and address their concerns and questions.
4. It’s common to experience emotions differently when acting off duty, compared to when on duty with equipment and an experienced crew.
5. It is crucial to recognize and support first responders with the necessary resources to cope with the demands of their selfless acts.
Family Presence During Resuscitation by First Responders
Should we think differently about having the family members present at the scene?
Help for First Responders for Managing Family Expectations
What are the common questions from family members on the scene?
Pronouncing Death in the Field: A Source of First Responder Burnout
Are first responders prepared to provide death notifications to family?
Meeting Your First Responders
Are reunions equally rewarding for first responders?
Unique Experience of Off-Duty First Responders When Responding to Cardiac Arrest
What happens when off-duty first responders provide care?
Seeking Professional Care from Mental Health Provider
Why am I still struggling? Do I need more help?
Basic Self-Care Strategies to Support Your Emotional Recovery
Are there lifestyle changes I can make to improve my mental health?
Specialized Self-Care Strategies to Boost Your Recovery
What are my options beyond basic lifestyle changes?
Self-Care at & Outside Our Work as First Responders
Are there resources supporting first responder mental health?
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