Understanding Pediatric Drowning

Key Takeaways Drowning can be associated with mild to severe injuries, such as breathing problems, heart issues, or brain impairment. Medical management of drowning injuries may include ventilators, cardiac monitors, and intravenous medications depending on how...

Basic Self-Care Strategies to Support Your Emotional Recovery

Key Takeaways In times of stress, basic self-care is essential to your well-being and recovery. Daily exercise, healthy eating, good sleep, and stress management enhance productivity, strengthen resilience, and provide long-term health benefits.  Using alcohol and...

Navigating Transitions From the Event Through Hospital Care & Home

Key Takeaways Navigating the transitions is complex and resources are available to help you. It’s not fair to you to take this all on yourself. Always have a notebook and take notes. Understand the roles of care team members, and hospital resources, and how they can...

Rehabilitation After Cardiac Arrest

Key Takeaways Rehab is a resource to help your loved one return to their everyday activities through training and therapy. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it. There are many types of rehab options and various settings (i.e., inpatient, outpatient). These are entirely...

Rehabilitation After Cardiac Arrest

Key Takeaways Rehab is a resource to help you return to your everyday activities through training and therapy. It’s hard work, but you’re worth it. There are many types of rehab options and various settings (i.e., inpatient, outpatient). These are entirely based on...