Where can I find additional resources on mental health?

The following resources provide additional information, support, and guidance during this challenging time. They have been compiled by a practicing psychologist with expertise in medically-induced psychological trauma.

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:

In the USA Dial 988 https://988lifeline.org/

Crisis Text Line:

This 24/7 crisis support service offers free, confidential support through text messaging. Text “HELLO” to 741741 in the United States. https://www.crisistextline.org/

From the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS):

When looking for a therapist for help, it is recommended that you seek out a psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist who is licensed to practice in your state. If you have symptoms of PTSD, it will be important to find someone with training in the treatment of trauma. Here is a list kept by the ISTSS:

Find a Clinician with Trauma Training 

You do not have to be diagnosed with a serious psychological disorder in order to benefit from counseling or psychotherapy.

What is Medical Trauma/How to Cope with Medical Trauma?

Traumatic Stress and Substance Abuse Problems

Public Resources

From the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Find Treatment for Substance Abuse

There are programs and apps that can provide information and guidance for addressing the effects of stress and trauma.

From the Veterans Administration

Many veterans suffer trauma in the course of their work, and this has led the Veterans Administration to study traumatic stress and how to treat it. They are a great resource for learning how to recognize and treat PTSD no matter the source of the trauma. You can use these resources even if you have only one of the symptoms described: 

Coping with PTSD

PTSD Coach Online

PTSD mobile apps

Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment (booklet)

From American Psychological Association (APA)

The APA provides resources for managing stress and finding a psychologist to support your mental health needs. https://www.apa.org/

From American Heart Association

The AHA offers resources for heart disease and stroke survivors, as well as their caregivers and families. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/caregiver-support

This is an inspirational or informational quote that is relevantly placed into the article that is in relation to the content.

-XX (If it makes sense)

From the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

NIMH provides valuable information on mental health conditions, coping strategies, and treatments. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/

From Mental Health America (MHA)

MHA offers resources on mental health, including self-help tools, support groups, and crisis hotlines. https://www.mhanational.org/

From Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)

ADAA offers information on anxiety and depression, as well as resources for finding mental health professionals and support groups. https://adaa.org/

From National Alliance for Caregiving

This organization provides resources and tools for family caregivers, including educational materials and support groups. https://www.caregiving.org/

From Caregiver Action Network (CAN)

CAN provides resources for family caregivers, including educational materials, support forums, and advocacy initiatives. https://caregiveraction.org/

Thank you to our contributors

Jeffrey Edwards, Maureen O’Reilly-Landry, & Jennifer Chap

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