Life Changes After my Cardiac Arrest

Key Takeaways Your child might experience chest pain, discomfort from an ICD, scars, changes in weight, and reduced physical abilities. It is normal to experience mental difficulties, ranging from depression to PTSD. With the help of a psychologist or therapist, your...

Symptoms After Survival From Cardiac Arrest

Key Takeaways After a cardiac arrest, children can have permanent changes in their physical health, their emotions, the way they think and learn, and the way they interact with friends and family.  It is common for family members to also experience changes in their...

Exploring the Transformative Experiences at Home

Key Takeaways Acknowledge that your life is different now Develop a support system and share responsibilities Celebrate the small victories Remember yourself and your relationships Strengthen your mental health How do I find a new normal following my child’s cardiac...

Adjusting to New Learning Needs

Key Takeaways You know your child best and know when they may be experiencing changes to their learning needs when returning to school after a cardiac arrest.   If you notice changes in your child’s thinking or learning abilities, you can request an additional...